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Gaza Ghetto

Public Intervention (2014 – present)

There should be a word for it.

Earlier this summer I was sitting in a Berlin cafe with two other Jewish women. We each had a story about the moment when it happened. For me it was taking a language class and meeting a young man from Gaza. For the woman from Frankfurt it was while living in Jerusalem. A gear click-turns and the hazy fantasy of Israel is gone, replaced by something harsh and clear and true.

Am I living in alignment with my own values?

Gaza Ghetto was originally created in 2014 as a response to Israel's Operation Protective Edge. I wrote the name and age of each person killed in Gaza on my arm, photographed it and posted the image to social media. Israel killed roughly 2200 people that summer, most of them civilians, 548 were children. Since that time hundreds more Palestinians have been killed.

I used to believe that genocide was hard. Now I know that it is easy. An information bubble, an 'other' is all it takes. People line up to take the leap, contorting their beliefs like a pretzel to not confront the obvious.

The Gaza Ghetto project continues.

Please stay informed:
Democracy Now! has been doing exceptional reporting.

The Question of Palestine by Edward Said.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance 1917-2017 by Rashid Kahlidi

+972 Magazine

Forensic Architecture

Follow journalists in Gaza:
Hind Khoudary

Motaz Azaiza

Please also see Chalk, Voices of 9.11.

Cusp premiered at New Directors/New Films (Museum of Modern Art, NYC) and broadcast on IFC.

Additional screenings include Clermont-Ferrand (European Premiere) Women Make Waves (Asian Premiere), the UN (for the Special Session on Children), Boston Museum of Fine Art, Anthology Film Archives, Independent Feature Project (Buzz Cuts), Black Maria Film Festival, Hamptons International Film Festival, Women in the Directors Chair, Newport Film Festival, Bumbershoot/One Reel Festival, CinéWomen, AIR Gallery, Shorts International Film Festival, Harlem Film Festival, Lower East Side Girls’ Film Festival, Lake Placid Film Forum, Cork International Film Festival (Ireland), Dingle Film Festival (Ireland), Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, Stony Brook Film Festival, Portland International Film Festival.

Writer/Director Ruth Sergel Producers Pamela Griffiths, Claudia Sidoti Director of Photography David Griffiths Editor Lora Zaretsky Music Michael Montes Costume Design Suzanne Kelly Production Design Paul Weathered Line Producer Susan Forrest Title Design Steve Tozzi

Alice Sophie Mascatello Mother Marlene Forte Eliza Hannah Goldwater Lila Gina Maria Paoli Becca Audrey Gelman PJ Dylan Weathered Sam Jerry Hildebrandt Lainey Ashley Brichter Candy Store Clerk George Valencia Candy Store Girl Giselle Forte Ring Vendor Alex Furth Happy Family Kate, Seth & Lola Buncher Screaming Couple Elizabeth Canavan, Jared Shaw Eliza’s Mother Claudia Sidoti Sam’s New Girlfriend Aimee Gallin Teacher Beverly Crick Kung Fu Boy Brian Dolphin, Nicholas Forrest-Reynolds School Kids Elizabeth Aguilar, Eliot Aronson, Chris DeLoach, John DeLoach, Anna Gribetz, Kate Gribetz, Antonella Lentini, Francesca Lentini, Zach McDonald, Arianne Moore, Matt Moore, Claudia Maria Perez, Lucia Reynolds, Aliza Stone, Nick Turner