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Magic Box

Interactive Installation (2009)

Magic Box melds 19th century illusionism with current technologies in the guise of a pre-cinema device. The box hangs from the ceiling with brass viewing tubes on either end. Peering inside the device, each participant can see through to the other’s eyes, while watching a film that is completely invisible to the other viewer. Levers on the side of the box allow the participants to select which of four films they will view. If both move to the end position, their hands will touch.
Each film inside Magic Box depicts a different aspect of 19th century hope and confusion that emerging technologies might at last allow us to breach the life-death divide. For the participant,
Magic Box creates an intimate interaction with a stranger to probe the dissonance between real and virtual human connection.

Please also see Alchemy of Light, Alice in Berlin.

Magic Box has exhibited at the at the Shift Festival (Basel), 3LD Art & Technology Center, ITP Spring Gallery and the Hudson Guild Gallery (NYC).

Created (program/camera/edit) by Ruth Sergel

Performers: Luigi Coppola, Johanna Levy, Clara Palavesin
Music: Erik Friedlander, Michael Montes
Carpentry: Paul DiPietro

Magic Box is supported by a grant from the Experimental Television Center’s Finishing Funds program which is supported by the Electronic Media and Film Program at the New York State Council on the Arts. Thank you to ITP and 3LD Art & Technology Center 

Arduino code
Isadora patch

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